NBP Actions 17: Image Analysis for Photoshop
NBP Actions 17: Image Analysis for Photoshop
NBP Actions 17: Image Analysis: Get your analysis on. When you want to analyze your images in detail, including frequencies, hue maps, saturation masks, brightness and luma, chroma, clipping warning, solarize, color ranges, bit depth stress test, and so much more, that's where NBP Actions 17: Image Analysis comes in. Watch the video to learn more, and if you have questions, drop us an email at nbp@ninobatista.com
By popular demand, this now includes the new Image Decomposition Stack Action.
Priced as more of a "donation", since we really want to see our customers learn more about advanced analysis, color science and calculations whenever possible!
Watch the videos on YouTube to learn a little bit on how to use these image analysis tools, and also tips and tricks about it here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFvYZhSF9Pn-Y8gABG9FrTPBhrHykJS4-
Contains several Actions and several helper Actions for image analysis and color chart creation in Photoshop. Works in 8 and 16 bit, with the color charts are also compatible in 32 bit.
Compatible with Photoshop CC23 or newer. Mac (Intel or M1) or any Windows system.
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